
6 Habits for a healthy lifestyle while remote working

Change is coming. It already started, but according to a survey by JLL, 1.000 CRE decision-makers across the globe suggest that from 2022 to 2025, it will be a window of opportunity for organizations to rethink their workplace strategies. 

Since offices will be reconsidered as remote and hybrid work are here to stay, employees will also have to make some changes regarding their lifestyle. 

We gathered a few habits for you to follow in order to maintain or achieve a healthy lifestyle while remote or hybrid working. 

Work is not everything there is to life. Even if you are working from home you still need to pay attention to your lifestyle and you still need to look for healthy habits. That’s why we are writing this blog – in order to suggest some habits that might offer you a healthy work routine in this ever-changing workplace environment.

Limit your screen time throughout the day 

We usually think of “screen time” solely when it comes to how much time children spend in front of a screen. However, we tend to forget that screen time also applies to us. 

In the US, the average screen time for an adult was 11 hours a day. During the pandemic, it raised to 19 hours a day. That is a lot.

Experts say that it is recommended for adults to spend a maximum of 2 hours of screen time outside of work. And we can totally see why. 

Our brains did not evolve to look at a screen for 20 hours and rest for 4. This is why you might experience headaches, dizziness, or lack of motivation. Screens are useful and they help you get your work done but they are not a very healthy thing for your brain or eyes. 

First, try and monitor how much time, on average, you spend on a daily basis in front of a screen. Then, try and reduce it slowly, with maybe 10 minutes less every day. See the results for yourself. 

Make sure you are getting some sun 

You need Vitamin D for healthy bones, glowing skin, and overall health. You can take supplements for that or spend 30 to 60 minutes per day in the sun. 

Moreover, you can implement short walks at the beginning and at the end of the day. This will give you time away from the screen while also providing calmness and lowering the stress level you accumulate throughout the day. It will give your brain time to breathe and you will have some quality time for yourself. 

Work from different places 

This tip is for remote workers. Solely working from your home office can get boring at some point. It’s the same house, same desk, same laptop, same you. 

This can translate to lower levels of productivity and creativity. What you can do to prevent this is to work from different places. Maybe every Monday you work from your favourite coffee shop. Or once every two days you rent some hours in a Nooka and enjoy a nice view while working. 

The possibilities are numerous and you don’t have to work from the same place every day. A small change like this can have a great impact on your work day. 

Exercise as often as you can

Physical well-being impacts your mental well-being as well. A healthy body helps a healthy mind. This is why you should make time for physical activities in your day-to-day life. 

It doesn’t necessarily need to be going to the gym. You can try long walks, running, yoga, pilates, or deep stretching. You need to keep those back muscles engaged, or else that back pain you slightly feel now is only going to get worse. 

One tip here: start small. Don’t try lifting heavy weights when you haven’t exercised in forever. Start with walking instead of taking the car and see where that takes you. 

Make time for your hobbies 

With working from home, the line between personal and professional life can get very thin. You need to pay attention to that in order to keep a healthy balance. 

One way you can do that is by making time for your hobbies. Whether is a hobby you had from childhood or picking up a new one, hobbies are great as they offer you dopamine and increase your well-being. It’s something you do for fun, not for money, and that you can do alone or with your friends. 

Try and squeeze hobbies into your calendar at least on a weekly basis. You’ll feel like you will be doing something for yourself and the reward will be great. 

Take breaks 

If you’ve been staying for two hours at your desk without taking a break, that’s too much. Too much time spent on the chair and in front of the screen can cause damage to your back, eyes, neck, and brain. 

You can use the Pomodoro technique for this. There is even an online timer. You work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 or 10 minutes break. During that break, you can open the window, walk around the office, make a cup of coffee or just stretch. However, don’t spend it on your phone or another screen. If you feel like 25 minutes is not so much, you can start with 30 or 40 or whatever works for you. However, make sure you take breaks. 

There are many healthy habits you can pick along the way. However, you have to test and see which ones work for you and which don’t. 

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